Assignment1: Bingo
Upon completion of this assignment, you need to be able to: • Write Java code following the Coding Conventions defined for the course. • Define and create a simple class in Java. • Create and use Java arrays that contain complex data types (objects). • Have been introduced to JavaExceptionHandling. • Use a developed testing system.
In the game of Bingo, the caller randomly selects a set of Bingo balls, one at a time, from a Bingo cage and calls out the letter and number printed on the little ball. Each player checks for that particular number on their Bingo card, a 5×5 grid. If the number is there, then the player will cover the specific grid that contains the number. The player’s goal is to be the first to cover the the grids in a previously-agreed-upon pattern, often a straight vertical or horizontal line. Immediately after the caller’s announcement of the current ball, a player who has the necessary pattern will call out “Bingo!”. Before claiming the prize, the player proves the validitybycallingoutthenumbersofeachofthecoveredsquaresthatmakeupthepattern. The caller verifies that each of the balls were actually called, by searching through the called balls. In this assignment, you will create a class BingoBall and create the data structure that contains the called balls.
(1) Createafreshdirectorytocontainthisassignment:CSC115/assn1isagoodname. Download this pdf file and the file BingoBall.java into that directory. (2) Createasubdirectory,calleddocs,fordocumentationanddownloadthehtmlfiles. When you open the local version of this pdf, and click on the following links, the specifications for the required Java classes will open. Try it: • BingoBall specifications • BingoCalls specifications If you are not using a local version of this document and/or have not created a subdirectory called docs to store the html files, you can open one of the html files by double-clicking on it. (3) Carefully examine both of the specification documents. Note the similarity to the standard documentation pages for all Java classes. For example, search for java and Random and note the layout of information. (4) Compile BingoBall.java. It compiles and runs without errors, but it is not very useful in its initial condition. (5) Open BingoBall.java inatexteditor.Abasictemplatehasbeenstarted,toguide you through the process of creating a class by taking the following recommended steps: (a) Create the shell of the program (done for you): This is done by creating the class definition and all the public methods as directed in the specification document. The methods are empty, except when they must return a value, inwhichcaseadummyvalueisreturned.Oncetheshelliscreated,thesource code can be compiled. (b) Decidewhattheprivatedatafieldswillbe:Notethatfor BingoBall a public static final array has been initiated for you. This is NOT a data field, but a constant value that you may find helpful. (See the comments in the source code). (c) Implement the methods one at a time, starting with the easiest ones. Note that the main method contains a set of statements that tests the code. You may add more tests if you like.
(6) AftercompletingandthoroughlytestingBingoBall,createtheBingoCallsclass, again following the specifications. Create your own main method in this class to thoroughly test all the methods in BingoCalls.
Complete both the BingoBall and BingoCalls classes adhering to the following guidelines: • Theassociatedhtmlfilecontainsasummaryanddetailedexplanationofwhateach methodmustdo,alongwithdetailsaboutanyinputorreturnedvalue.Notethatthe informationprovidedisgeneratedfromheadercomments;youarewelcometouse these as required header commenting within your code. • The main1method is to be used as a tester. The BingoBall class main method is written for you. Use this as the standard for testing all of your assignments. • Compile and test your work frequently. Experienced programmers all do this, knowing that a single syntax error or logical error is easier to fix when you’ve only made a few changes to the document.
Somebasicinformation (fordetails,seethetextbook)
By convention, Java uses very specific names for many of the basic methods, making it easier for users to remember what methods are available. For instance, every class in Java hasbothanequalsandatoStringmethod.AbasicclassdefinitioninJavawillgenerally contain the following: • private data fields: These specifically define the attributes that make a particular object of this class unique. • One or more constructors: The constructors are created to allow the user to initializeanobject.Inmostcases,theconstructorsetsthevaluesofthedatafields,as specified by the argument list.
1Note to C programmers: unlike C, which requires only one main method for all of the files involved in the running of a program, Java allows for each file to contain a main method. The actual main method that runs the program is determined by the java command which names the file.
• Accessor–modifiermethods:Thesemethodsarealsoreferredtoasthesettersand getters. Where the user is permitted, each of the private data fields can be updated or retrieved using these methods. • A method to determine equivalence between objects of the class: It is always useful to be able to determine what conditions are necessary for two objects of thesameclasstobedeemedequivalent.Withsomeobjects,likestringsornumber objects, this is intuitive. When it is not, the class designer must make the determination. Generally, the combined equality of the data fields is a safe determination, but that may not always be the case. • AmethodtoformataninformativeStringthatdescribestheobject:Thisisan extremely useful method, both during development as a debugging tool, and also for users to visualize the details of the objects.
The BingoBall consists of • An uppercase letter, one of{B, I, N, G, O}. • A number between 1 and 75. There is a matching of each of the letters to the numbers that can be associated with it. B: {1–15} I: {16–30} N: {31–45} G: {46–60} O: {61–75} Some sample testing has been provided for you in the main method of the BingoBall class. Note that the System.out.println statements with the BingoBall argument will produce the output that is defined in the toString method. If the toString method has not been created,then the addresslocationof thereference isprinted instead,which is not very helpful.
The BingoCalls classisbasicallyameanstostoretheBingoBallsthatwerecalledduring a particular game. There will only be one instance of this class, as opposed to the 1–75 BingoBalls that can be instantiated. The main data field of this class will be an array of BingoBalls. You may use a single array or a 2D array, or an array of arrays for this data field. You MAY NOT use any of the collections data structures that extend the List class from the java.util package. In the design, the public methods allow the caller (the user) to • create an empty container at the start of a game, • add balls as they are called in the game, • determine how many balls have been played, • find and remove a ball that was accidentally added (mistakes can happen). • confirm that a particular ball was played during the game, and • empty the container of all balls, making it ready for a new game. Javaarraydatatypesmusthaveafixedsizethatisdeterminedwhenthearrayisinitialized. (Note that the array must be initialized separately from the individual items inside the array.)Toallowforre-usability,weaddaprovisionthatdoublesthesizeofthearraywhen the number of items exceeds the capacity of the array. To test for this, create the initial array to hold a maximum of 5 items. Before each insert, make sure that the array is not already full; if it is, then call a private method, created by you, that enlarges the array before inserting the item. AswiththeBingoBall,thoroughlytesteverythingwithinthemainmethodoftheclass.
Submit the following completed files to the Assignment folder on conneX. You will be shown how to do this in the first week of labs: • BingoBall.java • BingoCalls.java
Please make sure you have submitted the required file(s) and conneX has sent you a confirmation email. Do not send [.class] (the byte code) files. Also, make sure you submit your assignment, not just save a draft. Draft copies are not available to the instructors, so they are not collected with the other submissions. We can find your draft submission, but only if we know that it’s there.
Marks are allocated for the following: • Properprogrammingstyleisdemonstrated,asperthecodingconventionsonCSC115 conneX Resources. • All methods are implemented exactly to the specifications. • The main data field of BingoCalls must be an array, and not an object of any of the List classes in the Java API, java.utils package. • The private method that resizes the array in BingoCalls must copy the contents of the original array one by one into the new larger array. • ThemainmethodofBingoCallsmustdemonstratethateachmethodinBingoCalls was tested. You will receive no marks for any Java files that do not compile.