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Strategy and state design patterns_week 5 solution

This exercise will test your knowledge of the strategy and state design patterns. You will also gain some experience using third party libraries (an important skill for software engineers). SET-UP Import the Netbeans project folder named 'AJP-P5-2012-2013-STUDENT'. Open it up. You have been given a set of unit tests. Initially, there will be LOTS of syntax errors in these unit tests. This is expected. The errors will disappear as you write the required classes.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR BRONZE TASK You work in the invoice department at EasyFlap airways. Your job involves sending invoices to commercial customers who use the airport. Most of these customers are international companies. The invoices you send them should be localised (i.e. an invoice sent to America should be in dollars). In the src package, write a Customer class with a getInvoice() method that can produce invoices in different currencies. Your solution must use the Strategy pattern. Use the unit tests and the UML diagram below as a guide:
In your application, use the following currency conversion rates: UK / AMERICA 1: 1.57 UK/ EUROPEAN 1: 1.14 UK/ JAPAN 1: 121
You should use '\u00a5' to produce the Yen symbol. You should use '\u20AC' to produce the Euro symbol. You will need to use the DecimalFormat class to format your currency values to two decimal places. Make sure that your solution to the BRONZE task does not have any CheckStyle errors. You cannot pass this task if your code contains CheckStyle errors.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR SILVER TASK In the src folder of your new project, in the package named, modify your solution to the BRONZE task so that the getInvoice() method produces neat, business-like invoices in PDF format. You will need to use this 3rd party library The JAR you need is itextpdf.5.3.4.pdf Here are some instructions for adding a JAR file to your NetBeans project. Once you have added the iText JAR file to your project, you will be able to use classes from that JAR file in your solution e.g. PdfWriter. Import statements will have to be added to your code as normal. You can look at some example code here. I recommend you start with HelloWorld. There are no unit tests for this task. The output of your application will be checked manually by Mark. Make sure that your solution to the SILVER task does not have any CheckStyle errors. You cannot pass this task if your code contains CheckStyle errors.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR GOLD TASK A railgun is an electrically powered electromagnetic projectile launcher. In this exercise you will develop a java class that describes a rail gun, and other classes which describe the various states a railgun can be in. The states are as follows: Normal– The railgun can move and fire without restriction. Damaged– The rail gun cannot move and can only fire at a reduced rate (50% of requested rounds). NeedAmmo– The rail gun can move without restriction, but it has no ammunition and therefore cannot fire. In the src folder of your new project, in a package named, create the following files:
• • • • •
Please note the following points: • RailgunState is an interface which is implemented by NormalState, DamagedState and NeedAmmoState • RailgunState defines two methods, fire() and move(). You must determine the parameters for these methods. • A newly instantiated Railgun should be in a NormalState with full ammunition (10 rounds). • When a Railgun in a NormalState has fired all of its ammunition, it should move to the NoAmmoState. • When a Railgun in a DamagedState has fired all of its ammunition, it should move to the NoAmmoState. • When a Railgun in a NoAmmoState visits the ammo dump, it should move to a NormalState and its ammunition level should be replenished. • When a Railgun in a NormalState visits the ammo dump, its ammunition level should be replenished. • The location of the ammo dump is (320,43) • The Railgun class has the following instance variables ◦ int ammo ◦ Point position ◦ RailGunState state • The Railgun class should have a method called fire(Point p, int rounds) where ◦ Point p is the coordinates of the target ◦ int rounds is the number of rounds HQ has requested ◦ This method should return a String object indicating Success, Partial Success or Failure ◦ Success occurs when the requested number of rounds are fired at the target. ◦ Failure occurs when zero rounds are fired at the target. ◦ Partial success is anything in-between. • The Railgun class should have a method called move(Point p) where ◦ Point p is the destination ◦ This method should return a String object indicating Success or Failure
◦ Success occurs when a Railgun can move to the specified location ◦ Failure occurs when a Railgun cannot move to the specified location • All state transitions must occur within other states. For example, the Railgun can only move from NormalState to NeedAmmoState state within, The unit tests I have provided will guide your solution. Make sure that your solution to the GOLD task does not have any CheckStyle errors. You cannot pass this task if your code contains CheckStyle errors.

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