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Assignment 2: Retrieval Algorithm and Evaluation

Assignment 2: Retrieval Algorithm and Evaluation
Task 1: Implement your first search algorithm Based on the Lucene index, we can start to design and implement efficient retrieval algorithms. Let’s start from the easy ones. Please implement the following ranking function using the Lucene index we provided through Canvas (
, where q is the user query, is the target (candidate document in AP89), is the query term, is the count of term in document , N is total number of documents in AP89, and is the total number of documents that have the term . Please use Lucene API to get the information. From retrieval viewpoint, is called normalized TF (term frequency), while is IDF (inverse document frequency). The following code (using Lucene API) can be useful to help you implement the ranking function: IndexReader reader = .get("/Users/chunguo/Downloads/index"))); IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); // Get the preprocessed query terms Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("TEXT", analyzer); Query query = parser.parse(queryString); Set<Term queryTerms = new LinkedHashSet<Term(); searcher.createNormalizedWeight(query, false).extractTerms(queryTerms); System.out.println("Terms in the query: "); for (Term t : queryTerms) { System.out.println(t.text()); } /** * Get document frequency */ int df=reader.docFreq(new Term("TEXT", "police")); System.out.println("Number of documents containing the term \"police\" for field \"TEXT\": "+df);
/** * Get document length and term frequency */ // Use DefaultSimilarity.decodeNormValue(…) to decode normalized // document length ClassicSimilarity dSimi = new ClassicSimilarity(); // Get the segments of the index
List<LeafReaderContext leafContexts = reader.getContext().reader() .leaves(); // Processing each segment for (int i = 0; i < leafContexts.size(); i++) { // Get document length LeafReaderContext leafContext = leafContexts.get(i); int startDocNo = leafContext.docBase; int numberOfDoc = leafContext.reader().maxDoc(); for (int docId = 0; docId < numberOfDoc; docId++) { // Get normalized length (1/sqrt(numOfTokens)) of the document float normDocLeng = dSimi.decodeNormValue(leafContext.reader() .getNormValues("TEXT").get(docId)); // Get length of the document float docLeng = 1 / (normDocLeng * normDocLeng); System.out.println("Length of doc(" + (docId + startDocNo) + ", " + searcher.doc(docId + startDocNo).get("DOCNO") + ") is " + docLeng); } System.out.println(); // Get frequency of the term "police" from its postings PostingsEnum de = MultiFields.getTermDocsEnum(leafContext.reader(), "TEXT", new BytesRef("police")); int doc; if (de != null) { while ((doc = de.nextDoc()) != PostingsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS) { System.out.println("\"police\" occurs " + de.freq() + " time(s) in doc(" + (de.docID() + startDocNo)+ ")"); } } } For each given query, your code should be able to 1. Parse the query using Standard Analyzer (Important: we need to use the SAME Analyzer that we used for indexing to parse the query), 2. Calculate the relevance score for each query term, and 3. Calculate the relevance score . The code for this task should be saved in a java class: Task 2: Test your search function with TREC topics Next, we will need to test the search performance with the TREC standardized topic collections. You can download the query test topics from Canvas (topics.51-100). In this collection, TREC provides a number of topics (total 50 topics), which can be employed as the candidate queries for search tasks. For example, one TREC topic is: <top <head Tipster Topic Description <num Number: 054 <dom Domain: International Economics
<title Topic: Satellite Launch Contracts <desc Description: Document will cite the signing of a contract or preliminary agreement, or the making of a tentative reservation, to launch a commercial satellite. <smry Summary: Document will cite the signing of a contract or preliminary agreement, or the making of a tentative reservation, to launch a commercial satellite. <narr Narrative: A relevant document will mention the signing of a contract or preliminary agreement , or the making of a tentative reservation, to launch a commercial satellite. <con Concept(s): 1. contract, agreement 2. launch vehicle, rocket, payload, satellite 3. launch services, commercial space industry, commercial launch industry 4. Arianespace, Martin Marietta, General Dynamics, McDonnell Douglas 5. Titan, Delta II, Atlas, Ariane, Proton <fac Factor(s): <def Definition(s): </top In this task, you will need to use two different fields as queries: <title and <desc. The former query is very short, while the latter one is much longer. Your software must output up to top 1000 search results to a result file in a format that enables the trec_eval program to produce evaluation reports. trec_eval expects its input to be in the format described below. QueryID Q0 DocIDRank Score RunID For example: 10 Q0 DOC-NO1 1 0.23 run-1 10 Q0 DOC-NO2 2 0.53 run-1 10 Q0 DOC-NO3 3 0.15 run-1 : : : : : : 11 Q0 DOC-NOk 1 0.042 run-1
The code for this task should be saved in a java class: Task 3: Test Other Search Algorithms Next, we will test a number of other retrieval and ranking algorithms by using Lucene API and the index provided through Canvas ( For instance, you can use the following code to search the target corpus via BM25 algorithm.
IndexReader reader = DirectoryReader .open(FSDirectory .open(new File(pathToIndex))); IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); searcher.setSimilarity(new BM25Similarity()); //You need to explicitly specify the ranking algorithm using the respective Similarity class Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("TEXT", analyzer); Query query = parser.parse(queryString); TopDocs topDocs =, 1000); ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = topDocs.scoreDocs; for (int i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { Document doc = searcher.doc(docs[i].doc); System.out.println(doc.get("DOCNO")+" "+docs[i].score); } reader.close(); In this task, you will test the following algorithms 1. Vector Space Model ( 2. BM25 ( 3. Language Model with Dirichlet Smoothing ( 4. Language Model with Jelinek Mercer Smoothing (, set λ to 0.7) You will need to compare the performance of those algorithms (and your algorithm implemented in Task 1) with the TREC topics. For each topic, you will try two types of queries: short query (<title field), and long query (<desc field). So, for each search method, you will need to generate two separate result files, i.e., for BM25, you will need to generate BM25longQuery.txt and BM25shortQuery.txt The code for this task should be saved in a java class: Task 4: Algorithm Evaluation In this task, you will need to compare different retrieval algorithms via various evaluation metrics, i.e., precision, recall, and MAP. Please read this document about trec_eval: ling573_SPR2011/hw/trec_eval_desc.htm And, you can download the trec_eval program from trec_eval_latest.tar.gz We will use this code to evaluate the search result performance. TrecEval can be used via the command line in the following way: trec_eval -m all_trec groundtruth.qrel results (the first parameter is the ground truth file or to say judgment file, and the second parameter is the result file you just generated from the last task.
trec_eval --help should give you some ideas to choose the right parameters You can download the ground truth file from Canvas (qrels.51-100). Please compare the different search algorithms (files generated in task2 and task 3) and finish the following table: Short query
Long query
Evaluation metric
Your algorithm
Vector Space Model
BM25 Language Model with Dirichlet Smoothing
Language Model with Jelinek Mercer Smoothing
P@5 P@10 P@20 P@100 Recall@5 Recall@10 Recall@20 Recall@100 MAP MRR NDCG@5 NDCG@10 NDCG@20 NDCG@100
Evaluation metric
Your algorithm
Vector Space Model
BM25 Language Model with Dirichlet Smoothing
Language Model with Jelinek Mercer Smoothing
Please summarize your findings of this task:

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