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Assignment #2 Logical expression

Files to hand in q1.pdf q2.pdf q3.txt q4.txt These files contain your answers to the following 4 questions. 10 marks total Worth 10% of your final grade Question 1: Logical expression [2 marks] Write a logical expression that produces the truth table depicted. You may use AND, OR and NOT. Question 2: Gates [4 marks] Use AND, OR and NOT Gates to build a circuit for the following truth table: Question 3: Sorting [2 marks] Research the sorting algorithm “Timsort”, and other sources you can find. In your own words, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this sorting algorithm with regards to the efficiency of algorithms as discussed in chapter 3 and the lectures. (Hint: compare it to other sorting algorithms). Write a 100-200 word answer. Question 4: Vigenère cipher [2 marks] Research the Vigenère cipher:, and other sources. (This cipher will also be shown in your lab) Using the key : yyj encrypt your name. For example using this key my name: tibor would be encrypted as: rgkmp. Your answer should look like this: key: yyj plain text: encrypted text:

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