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CS3110: Assignment 3

Q1. G is a graph with N nodes, and every node as a unique label.
Provide an algorithm GetNode(source, d) that given a source node and an integer d , returns a
node with minimum unique number that has has a minimum distance d from source . (35)
Q2. Given a graph G, design an algorithm that can detect a loop in O(|V|) (30)
Q3. A directed graph G =(V,E) is semiconnected if, for all pairs of vertices u, v, there is either a
path from u to v, or from v to u.
1. If G does not have cycle, give an efficient algorithm (state the complexity) to test for
semiconnectedness. Proof the correctness of the algorithm (35)
Tip: use the topological sorting of the graph
2. Bonus : How about the case where G can have cycles? (10)
Tipe : use the algorithm discussed in the class to extract the strongly connected
component, and build on that)
Q4 (Implementation). Bonus (50): Implement a solution for this version of the classic “river
Tip : Encode each state as an array of size 9, the first 8 elements represent the position of the
people, and the last one the position of the boat. The root is 000000000 and the goal is
111111111. In the BFS (or DFS) search make sure you visit nodes that are not visited before
(which is obvious) and are legal. A move is legal if:
1. It flips one or two elements of the array, consistent with the position of the move
2. The move does not violate any of the rules of the game.
You have an extra week for this assignment.

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