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CS 344 - Sections 1,2,3 Homework 4.

CS 344 - Sections 1,2,3 - Fall 2018 Homework 4. 80 points total plus extra credit
1 Problem 1: Random Binary Search (20 points total)
Consider the Following Problem: • Input: a sorted array A of length n, and a target number k • Output: index i such that A[i] = k, or no solution if none exists. Previously, we showed that binary search solves this problem in O(log(n)) time by repeatedly looking at the middle and recursing to one side. Let’s say that instead of picking the middle element, we picked a random element in the array. Here is the pseudocode.
Algorithm: RandomBinarySearch(A,k,left,right) – in the initial call, left = 0 and right = n-1
1. If left right return ”no solution” 2. i ← Rand(left....right) 3. If A[i] = k return i
4. If A[i] k • return RandomBinarySearch(A,k,left, i-1) 5. If A[i] < k • RandomBinarySearch(A,k,i+1,right) In this question, we will figure out the expected running time of this RandomBinarySearch. Note that all the work done by the algorithm consists of comparing some A[i] to k (and then recursing and comparing some other A[i] to k). In particular, each A[i] is compared to k either 0 or 1 times. The expected running time is thus the expected number of comparisons made by the algorithm.
• For now, let assume that k does exist somewhere in the array, and figure out the expected running time for that case. • Define indicator random variables X1...Xn, where Xi = 1 if A[i] is compared to k, and 0 otherwise. For example, X5 = 1 if 5 is chosen as the random index in line two for some recursive call, and X5 = 0 if 5 is never chosen. • Part 1 (5 points): What is E[X1]? Do you see why it depends on the value of k? In particular, let j be index such that A[j] = k, and express your answer in terms of j. • Part 2 (5 points): Derive a general formula for E[Xi] (again in terms of j) • Part 3 (5 points:) Use part 2 to figure out the expected running of RandomBinarySearch. • Part 4 (5 point:) What is E[Xi] if k is NOT in the array? Note that we can no longer define a j such that A[j] = k, because k not in the array. Think about how you want to define j instead, and make sure to be explicit in your solution about how you are defining j.
Note that in the analysis above, the algorithm doesn’t actually know j. But that’s ok because our analysis showed that no matter what j happens to be, the expected running time is O(insert your answer to part 3).
2 Problem 2 (10 points total)
Let’s say you have a set S of n keys, all of which are in the universe U = [1....264]. (As always, assume n much less than |U|.) You want to build a dictionary for the set S. You decide to pick your hash function h : [1...264] → [1...n] in the following way: • Let b ← Rand(1....n) • For all x ∈ U let h(x) =?x b?mod n.The Problem: For every question below, you should briefly explain your answer.
• Part 1: (5 points) Show that this is not a universal hash function by showing two keys that have a high probability of collision. (state what that probability is.) • Part 2 (3 points): Show a set S of n keys such that with probability at least 1/3, n/2 keys in S all collide in the same spot (i.e. there are n/2 keys in S that all hash to the same number.) • Part 3 (2 points): For the set S in part 2, what would be expected time to do a search in this hash table in big-O notation?
3 Problem 3 (10 points total)
You have a set S of 220 (about a million) black and white images. Each image is 30x30 pixels, and each pixel is either white or black. You want to build a dictionary that will allow you to search whether a given image is already in S. • Part 1 (1 points): How large is the universe size U? • Part 2 (9 points): You decide to use the following hash function h : U → [1....220] – Pick twenty random pixels p1,p2,...,p20. So for example, p1 might end up being the pixel at position (10,20). – Given any image I, compute h(I) as follows ∗ we will construct a 20-bit number from I. Check whether I is black or white at pixel p1: if black, make the leading digit a 0, if white make it a 1. Check whether I is black or white at p2 to determine the second digit, and so forth. Let h(I) be the resulting 20-bit number. Note that because h(I) is 20 bits, we indeed have h(I) ∈ [1....220] The question: Argue that h is not universal by exhibiting a pair of images I1, I2, for which Pr[h(I1) = h(I2)] is significantly larger than 1/220. (State what the probability is.)
4 Problem 4 (20 points)
Consider the following problem: • Input: an array A with n distinct numbers, and an array B with the same n numbers in a different order. • Output: the goal is find the number whose position in A is most similar to its position in B. Formally, say that a pair (i,j) is related if A[i] = B[j]; we want to find the related pair that minimizes |j −i|. If there multiple pairs that minimize |j − i|, you only have to return one of them.
Write pseudocode for an algorithm that solves this problem in O(n) expected time.
5 Problem 5 (20 points)
Consider the following problem, where we are given an array A with some duplicate elements, and want to find the number of distinct elements in each interval of size k. • Input: a positive integer k, and an unsorted A with n numbers, some of them repeating. • Output: an array B of length n − k, where B[i] should contain the number of distinct elements in the interval A[i],A[i + 1],...,A[i + k].
Write pseudocode for an algorithm for this problem with expected running time O(n). Note that your expected running time should be O(n) even if k is large. HINT: similar to the algorithm for sorting a k-sorted array, you will want to take advantage of the fact that two consecutive intervals A[i]...A[i + k] and A[i + 1]...A[i + k + 1] only differ by a small number of elements.
6 Problem 6: extra credit
I have a set S of n numbers, all in the universe U = [1...264]. I want to build a static dictionary for this set – no insertions or deletions. But I want to
make sure that searching in this dictionary is always fast, not just fast in expectation. In particular, I want to design a dictionary with the following properties: • Build-Dictionary(S) should take O(n) time in expectation • k) should always take O(1) time – no expectation here • I am ok with using O(n2) space for my dictionary. Write pseudocode for an algorithm that satisfies the 3 conditions above. You can assume that for any t you can construct a universal hash function h : U → [1...t] in just O(1) time. Make sure to analyze your algorithm, and in particular to argue why search is worst-case O(1), and Build-Dictionary is expected O(n). HINT 1: it will not be enough to pick a single universal hash function h, because you might get unlucky and have a lot of collisions. You will thus want to use an approach similar to the select algorithm in class, and keep picking a universal function until you find a good one. HINT 2: Say you have a random variable X that takes some non-negative integer value, and you know that E[X] ≤ .1. Given the definition of expectation, think about what kind of lower bound does this gives you on Pr[X = 0]. The number .1 was made up, but you will likely need a similar argument in your analysis.

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