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Strings and Heaps_lab 12 Solution

Lab 12
• Work with strings
• Work with heaps
1. (1 point) Define a Scheme function num-occurs, that takes two parameters: a character c and list of characters L. The function num-occurs should return as its output value the number of occurrences of c in L. For example (num-occurs #\e ’( #\S #\c #\h #\e #\m #\e)) 2
2. Define a Scheme function, named freq-list, which takes a list of characters (a text) as a parameter and returns a list of character-frequency pairs. That is, the function will produce a list of pairs where the first value in the pair is a character and the second value in the pair is the frequency that character appears in the input text. There will be only one pair for each distinct character in the input text. Note, the comparison functions char<? and char? are the analogue functions for characters to the string<? and string? functions for strings and may be of some use. Hint: first use the given code below about binary search tree to define a helper function called extract-alphabet that takes a list and returns a new list that contains all the unique elements. Then define another helper function freq-aux that takes two lists, the first representing a string of characters and the second containing all the unique characters from the first list, and returns a list of character-frequency pairs.
(define (value T) (car T)) (define (right T) (caddr T)) (define (left T) (cadr T)) (define (make-tree value left right) (list value left right)) (define (insert x T) (cond ((null? T) (make-tree x ’() ’())) ((equal? x (value T)) T) ((char<? x (value T)) (make-tree (value T) (insert x (left T)) (right T))) ((char? x (value T)) (make-tree (value T) (left T)
(insert x (right T))))))
(define (insert-all lst T) (if (null? lst) T (insert-all (cdr lst) (insert (car lst) T))))
(define (extract-all T) (define (extract-to T lst) (if (null? T) lst (cons (value T) (extract-to (left T) (extract-to (right T) lst))))) (extract-to T (list)))
3. Build the logic for a heap structure that stores character-frequency-pairs, making it easy to find the most frequent letters stored in the heap. Specifically, you should produce scheme procedures for heap such as create-heap, h-max, left, right, insert-pair ,insert-list, extract-most-frequent. insert-pairtakesacharacter-frequencypairandaheapandreturns a new heap with the pair inserted. insert-list takes a list of character-frequency pairs and a heap and returns a new heap with the list inserted. extract-most-frequent takes a heap and returns a pair, where the first value in the pair is the most frequent letter and the second value is the new heap with that letter removed. 4. Make up an English sentence of your choosing that contains at least five words. Using your procedures from question 1-3, write test code that finds the frequencies of all letters in the sequence and adds them all to a heap. Finally, have your test code extract the most frequent three letters from the heap and verify that they were, in fact the most common three letters in your sentence.

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