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Cocke-Younger Kasami (CYK) algorithm-Solution

1 Introduction
Homework 3 is a two-part assignment. Part 1 will ask you to implement the Cocke-YoungerKasami (CYK) algorithm for parsing probabilistic context-free grammars. The second part is a competitivegrammarwritingexercise. Part1shouldbedoneindependently. Part2shouldbedone in groups of three.
2 Task1: ImplementingaprobabilisticCYKParser
InTask1,you’llimplementaversionoftheCYKParserthatsupportsagrammarwithprobabilities assigned to each non-terminal’s production rules. The probabilities will be used to break ties in ambiguous parses and to assign an overall probability for the whole sentence. For this task, you can assume a grammar and lexicon will be supplied for you; i.e., you do not need to worry about where you learn a grammar or the weight. However, we do note that learning the grammar and weights from data is a very important problem in NLP for developing parsers! For this task, we’ve given you skeleton code that has the basic input and output functions specified. Your job will be to finish this code for two functions: 1. load grammar This function will read in a file containing a grammar, where each nonterminal has weights (or probabilities) assigned to it. You’ll store these grammar in the internalrepresentation ofyourchoosing. Asapartofthisfunction, you’llneedtonormalize theweightsofeachnon-terminal’sproductionrulestobeprobabilities(note: ifthegrammar you’re give is already in terms of probabilities, this will have no effect!). All grammars that your code will read will always be in CNF.1 2. parse This function will parse a sentence and return (1) invalidParse, True if the tree cannot be parsed and False otherwise (2) max log probability of all possible parse tree for the input sentence and (3) backpointer table of this parse tree, as computed using the production rules’ probabilities. Backpointer table is a upper triangular matrix with size of (n − 1) × n. Each cell in backpointer is a dictionary, with key being the left-hand-side non-terminal rule and value being a triple (split,B,C), where B is the first right-hand-side non-terminal rule and C is the second rule. We define that a tree cannot be parsed as the last cellisempty. Iftheinputsentencecannotbeparsed,thelogprobabilityshouldbezero. This function should implement the probabilistic CYK parsing algorithm. 1
3. pretty print Thisfunctionwilltracebackparsingpathbasedonbackpointerandreturn a parse tree. If there is no root non-terminal found, nothing will be returned. The skeleton code will handle a few input and output operations for you, most importantly writing parse trees to a string. Your program will eventually be evaluated by running it on the hidden test grammar and sentences and verifying that the parse strings look identical. Your job is just to make sure the parse function generates a correct parse tree, which gets printed. To get you started with these, we’ve provided a very simple grammar, its lexicon, a set of example inputs that both do and do not parse, and the expected output for each. We strongly encourage you to try creating your own grammars ?Problem 1. (50%) Finish the code by implementing the parse function. At this point the program should be able to read in files for (1) a grammar (2) a lexicon, and (3) sentences to parse, specified as one per line and then print out the parse tree and probability for each input sentence.
3 Task2: CompetitiveGrammarWriting The second task will be a group task focused on writing a grammar that captures as much of Englishaspossible. Thisisagrouptaskandallsubmissionsmustbeforgroupsofthree;ifyoudo not have a team, please post on the Discussion forum on Canvas. No single-person teams will be allowed without prior approval. Youhavebeensuppliedwithmaterialsforwritingaprobabilisticgrammarthatshouldparseas muchofEnglishaspossible,assigningitahighprobability,whilerejectingungrammaticalEnglish by assigning it a low probability or 0. •–ThisisthemaingrammarfilewiththeStartsymbolusedtoinitiateparsing. You will likely modify this and the file the most. • – This is a back-off grammar file. Since not all sentences can be parsed using S1, S2 provides a way of estimating the probability according to how likely are non-terminal sequences.2 • – This file contains all the mappings from Non-terminals to terminals. Right now most terminals are generated by the Misc category, which allow you to generate anything. • allowed words.txt – This file specifies the whole vocabulary. You should not add any words to this. Note that you are required to be able to parse any sentence with these words. • example sentences.txt – Example sentences to help get you thinking about how to parse. As distributed, only the first two sentences can be parsed using S1. • pcfg parse – A probabilistic CFG parser that you can use to test parsability of sentences with your grammars and to sample new sentences from S1. 2For example, if you defined Noun, Adjective, and Verb non-terminals, you could modify S2 to give different weights to a sequence of “Verb Noun Adjective” versus “Adjective Noun Verb”
3.1 Howthecompetitionworks Teams have the whole two weeks to develop their grammars, at which point they will submit all their files with the homework. Teams will then be evaluated on two aspects: (1) how grammatical are sentences sampled from S1? and (2) does the grammar assign high probability to grammatical sentences. Totestthefirstaspect,wewillsample20sentencesfromeachteam’sgrammarandthree ofyourpeerswillratethemforgrammaticality(if2ofthe3sayyes,thesentenceisgrammatical). For the second aspect, we will collect the grammatical sentences and then compute the crossentropy (log perplexity) of parsing the grammatical sentences using each team’s grammar.
3.2 StrategiesandSuggestions The dual objectives of the competition mean that teams should generate valid English while also recognizing as much English as possible. As such, we have a few suggestions on how to get started, but many others are possible such as coordinating conjunctions, modal verbs, number words, adverbs and so on. How would you handle addressing singular/plural or different tenses in your grammar? • ThecurrentgrammarlumpsmostwordsintotheMiscnon-terminal. Howwouldyouupdate the current structure to create specific rules for different parts of speech? We conveniently left some suggestions on how you might start distinguishing these. • Theexamplesentencesprovideagreatinitialcollectionofsentencesthatthegrammarshould parse. A good first step is to see what you would need to change to get each to parse. We also recommend adding your own examples to this list! Take a look at the lexicon and see what kind of sentences you can generate. • As you start making changes so you can parse more, it helps to also check that what you’re generating is still grammatical. Be sure to keep sampling periodically. This sampling can also help identify places where you might want to tweak the grammar’s weights. • As you progress try considering modeling more advanced grammatical phenomena like questions, negation, transitive and intransitive verbs. • In past versions of this, reasonably successful teams added 100-300 new rules across all of the grammar files.
4 Submission
Please upload the following to Canvas by the deadline: 1. Your completed file 2. All .gr files produced by your team 3. A pdf document listing the members of your team and (at a high level) describing how you approached building your grammar.

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