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CSE174 Program 12

PROGRAM #13: 45 points 

• Write programs that use object oriented programming concepts.
• Write programs that use objects.
• Write programs that use ArrayList.
• Write applications using object oriented programming concepts.


• If you do not submit a .zip file containing your source code, your score will be zero.
• If you submit source code that does not compile, your score will be zero.
• If you submit source code without the correct class name ( or the correct method names (see below), you will receive at most half credit for this assignment.
• Deductions will be made for not meeting the usual requirements:
o Source code that is not formatted according to the usual guidelines, including commenting each method to explain its purpose. See program1 for an example of how we comment our methods.

Full credit Partial credit
Implement the Banking Application using ArrayList
(18 points)
Your program implements the menu driven application program that simulates banking application as described. Your program implements the banking application, but with some errors.
Implement the methods createAccount(), display(), withdraw(), deposit(), displayAll(), removeAccount() ( 24 points) You implement these methods as described. You implement these methods, but with some errors.
Make sure the user does not enter bad values
(3 points) You make sure the user only enters a valid menu option from 1 up to 6 and other user inputs like amount, name,etc. You check for bad user entry, but with some errors.

1. Download and into a new folder called Program13.
2. Implement the menu driven Banking Application by completing the “STUBS” provided in file using the BankAccount class provided in the folder. See the sample run below for the format you should match in your application.
3. Your solution should include completing the following methods which should be called when the user selects the corresponding menu options:

public static void createAccount(ArrayList<BankAccount list) {
//creates an account
public static void display(ArrayList<BankAccount list) {
//displays the specific account details
public static void displayAll(ArrayList<BankAccount list){
// displays all the account details
public static void withdraw(ArrayList<BankAccount list) {
// withdraws money from the specific object
public static void deposit(ArrayList<BankAccount list) {
// deposits money into the specific object
public static void removeAccount(ArrayList<BankAccount list){
// removes the specific account details

4. Once your program is working well, use a loop to implement error checking, so that the user cannot enter illegal inputs and make sure that it terminates only on user’s choice 6.

Sample run: (Text shown in red are user’s inputs)
*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 5

No Accounts Created yet!!

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 1

**Create New Account**
Enter name: John
Starting balance: 10000
Account Created!!

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 2

Enter Your name: John
**Account Details**
Name: John Balance: 10000.0

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 3

Bank Account Details
Name: John Balance: 10000.0

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 4

**Transaction - Deposit**
Enter Your Name: John
Enter amount to deposit: 1000
Name: John Balance: 11000.0

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 5

**Transaction - Withdraw**
Enter Your Name: Johny
Name: Johny does not exist

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 1

**Create New Account**
Enter name: Mathew
Starting balance: 2000
Account Created!!

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 3

Bank Account Details
Name: John Balance: 11000.0
Name: Mathew Balance: 2000.0

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 5

**Transaction - Withdraw**
Enter Your Name: Mathew
Enter amount to withdraw: 100
Name: Mathew Balance: 1900.0

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 3

Bank Account Details
Name: John Balance: 11000.0
Name: Mathew Balance: 1900.0

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 6

Enter Your Name: John
Account Deleted!!

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 3

Bank Account Details
Name: Mathew Balance: 1900.0

*** Menu ***
1. Create Account
2. Display
3. Display All
4. Deposit
5. Withdraw
6. Remove Account
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 7

Thanks for banking with us!!

1. Your application uses an ArrayList called list that is capable of storing the BankAccount objects for any number of customers.
2. The list.size() method can be used in the loop to process(print/check for a specific account) all the BankAccount objects stored in the list.
3. At first, write the program without worrying about the user entering invalid numbers. Once the program is working correctly with valid numbers, then add the loop for handling bad numbers.

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