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Lab 3 Optimization pass in JoeQ

CS243 Lab 3

• This is a programming assignment. Download the starter code from the course website,
complete the task (see “Your Task” below), and submit your code using Canvas.
• You may work alone or in pairs. If you are working in a pair, be sure to add your partner’s
SUNetID to your collaborators.txt file.
1 Introduction
Your assignment this week is to implement an optimization pass in JoeQ to remove redundant
NULL CHECKs. When generating quads out of Java bytecodes, safety checks are explicitly inserted
into the control flow graph. In particular, every register is NULL CHECK-ed before it is dereferenced.
These safety checks are necessary to ensure memory safety, but result in substantial runtime overhead. In this assignment, you will design sound optimizations to eliminate redundant checks and
to optimize the program in general. It’s important for your code to be compatible with Java 1.5.
And we will be testing your code on myth machine. So, make sure your code compiles and
runs on myth using its Java 1.5 (the environment is setup using
The starter zip file can be found in the course website.
2 Starter Code
We have supplied you with starter code that bundles JoeQ along with files for you to fill in. This
directory is organized as follows:
• lab3/classes/ : build directory (will be overwritten, not part of zip).
• lab3/bin/ : contains parun, the project runner.
• lab3/lib/joeq.jar : packaged JoeQ.
• lab3/Makefile : Makefile for compiling your code.
• lab3/src/examples : Examples of using JoeQ.
• lab3/src/flow : The dataflow framework and interfaces.
• lab3/src/submit : The code you will submit (Only make modifications here!!!)
• lab3/src/test : Tests for your solution.
3 Getting Started
After copying the to myth, do the following:
myth:~$ unzip
myth:~$ cd lab3
myth:~/lab3$ source
myth:~/lab3$ make
4 You Task
1. Implement the FindRedundantNullChecks class in lab3/src/submit that finds all redundant
2. Implement the Optimize class in lab3/src/submit that transforms the input control flow
graph by deleting all redundant NULL CHECKs.
3. Extra Credit: Perform any other sound optimization to the input class.
5 Redundant NULL CHECK
A NULL CHECK on register x is redundant at point p if x successfully passed a NULL CHECK along
all possible paths to p. For example, in the following code, your analysis must find quad 5 to be
redundant but does not need to find any other quad to be redundant.
1. MOVE T1 String, T0 String
2. NULL CHECK T-1 , T1 String
3. MOVE T2 String, T1 String
4. NULL CHECK T-1 , T0 String
5. NULL CHECK T-1 , T1 String
6. NULL CHECK T-1 , T2 String
In other words, your analysis needs to find that a NULL CHECK is redundant on a register only if that
particular register was NULL CHECK’ed along all possible paths to that NULL CHECK. The analysis does
not have to reason about copies of values to or from other previously or subsequently NULL CHECK’ed
The submit.FindRedundantNullChecks.main(String[]) method takes an array of names of classes
that should be analyzed for redundant NULL CHECKs.
Fill in the submit.FindRedundantNullChecks.main(String[]) method so that it prints exactly
one line for each method that contains the method name and a subset of the sorted quad ids of
redundant NULL CHECKs.
For example:
myth:~/optimize$ bin/parun submit.FindRedundantNullChecks test.SomeTest
main 4 17 19
sample 5
means that NULL CHECKs with quad ids 4, 17, and 19 are redundant in main, quad ids 5 are redundant
in sample, and no quads are redundant in <init>. The test package contains two test classes
named test.NullTest and test.SkipList. The outputs that should be generated by running
submit.FindRedundantNullChecks.main(String[]) over these two classes, are
src/test/NullTest.basic.out and src/test/SkipList.basic.out.
6 Removing Redundant NULL CHECKs
After finding all redundant NULL CHECKs, perform an optimization pass that removes all redundant
NULL CHECKs in the test.SkipList and test.QuickSort programs. The submit.OptimizeHarness.main(String[])
method takes a list of names of classes that should be optimized, a run class that contains a static
main(String[]) method, and a list of run parameters to be passed to the main method.
For example:
myth:~/lab3$ bin/parun submit.OptimizeHarness --optimize test.SkipList
--run-main test.SkipList --run-param 20
14 6 21 ... 28 14 17
Result of interpretation: Returned: null (null checks: 24547 quad count: 106185)
applies your optimizations to test.SkipList, and then interprets test.SkipList with parameter
20. The interpreter prints out the number of quads executed.
The following is an example output of test.QuickSort:
myth:~/lab3$ bin/parun submit.OptimizeHarness --optimize test.QuickSort
--run-main test.QuickSort --run-param 200
10 18 20 ... 2838 2844 2878
Result of interpretation: Returned: null (null checks: 32017 quad count: 136210)
The submit.OptimizeHarness.main(String[]) method invokes the
submit.Optimize.optimize(List<String>, boolean) method which should load the classes to
be optimized and apply the control flow graph transformations. The transformed control flow
graphs should automatically be stored by joeq.Compiler.Quad.CodeCache.
Read joeq.Compiler.Quad.CodeCache and joeq.Main.Helper carefully to understand how control flow graphs are cached. The submit.OptimizeHarness.main(String[]) method then interprets the run class with respect to the list of run parameters using the CodeCached control flow
Fill in the submit.Optimize.optimize(List<String>, boolean) method so that it applies your
optimizations to the classes named by the list of String parameters. To remove quads from the
program, use QuadIterator.remove() which will remove the most recently returned quad.
7 Extra Credit
Perform any other sound optimization that speeds up the test.SkipList program (the skip list
implementation is from here).
The extra credit points awarded will range from 0 to 100. The number of points will depend on
the number of quads executed by the optimized program, and will be applied after all grades are
curved. If you work in a group of two, the same extra credit score is assigned to both members. All
optimizations must be sound! For example, if you remove even one necessary null or bounds check,
or falsely copy a constant, you will receive no extra credit. Your are free to discuss on Piazza how
many quads your optimized code achieves.
Modify Optimize(List<String>, boolean) to perform extra optimizations when the second argument is false. Take a look at the QuadIterator documentation to learn how to add and remove
quads. To change the values of Operands, the Operator class contains static methods to set the
appropriate argument. For example, Move has methods setDest and setSrc. To modify the
ControlFlowGraph, use ControlFlowGraph.createBasicBlock to construct a BasicBlock and
use the add methods in BasicBlock to modify the list of quads. Please refer to the JoeQ Javadocs
for more details.
Test your extra credit using the following command:
myth:~/lab3$ bin/parun submit.OptimizeHarness --extra-credit --optimize
test.SkipList --run-main test.SkipList --run-param 20
14 6 21 ... 28 14 17
Result of interpretation: Returned: null (null checks: 24547 quad count: 106185)
Describe the design of your extra credit optimizations in the design.txt file in the src/submit
8 Submission
To submit your assignment, follow the following steps:
1. Type make submission in the lab directory.
2. Use scp to download from the server.
3. Upload this file to Canvas.
4. If you discover a bug after submitting (and before the due date, you have late days though),
simply run the submit again.
9 Hints
• Again, get started early. First, think about what are the biggest optimization opportunities.
No matter how sophisticated your optimization is, if the maximum speedup from that is 1%,
spending time on this is probably not worth it (Remember Amdahl’s law). To do that, it may
be a good idea to look at the code of SkipList (both Java source code and Quad representation
generated by JoeQ).
• Compared to lab2 and the first part of lab3, you need to transform your code instead of just
doing some analyses. Transforming code (especially, if you want to modify control flows) is
much trickier and may involve more JoeQ Javadoc reading.
• When eliminating redundant NULL CHECKs, note that sometimes JoeQ performs constant propagation which may lead to some NULL CHECKs of constant values. If this occurs there will
be no used registers for the NULL CHECK quad. When determining whether to eliminate a
NULL CHECK, make sure that you handle this case properly as it has caused bugs in prior
years (i.e. unsafe elimination of NULL CHECK AConst: null).
• (Extra Credit) If you choose to perform dead code elimination, note that some operators
have side effects (e.g. NULL CHECK) which cause dependencies that are not visible through the
defined and used registers of a quad, and thus cannot safely be removed by the results of a
normal live variable or faintness analysis. You can check whether a quad has side effects by
calling quad.getOperator().hasSideEffects().

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