Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Lab Assignment 2
Summary: In this assignment, you will demonstrate you understand how to train, evaluate,
and analyze convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with regularization. Your submission
should include one PDF file that merges two separate PDF documents: one showing your
code and another showing your methods, results, and analysis.
1. Influence of Network Depth and Regularization Techniques [15 points]:
(a) Design and conduct your experiment (Code)
• Load a real dataset not covered in class that is designed for an image classification problem.
• Create (or load) a 60/20/20 train/val/test split of the dataset.
• Train at least nine CNN models using all combinations of at least three different numbers of convolutional layers with (a) at least two regularization
techniques covered in the course and (b) no regularization. Select and set all
other hyperparameters to be identical when training each model; e.g., number of iterations for training, optimization approach, number of filters, etc.
Recall that regularization techniques covered in the course include parameter
norm penalty, data augmentation, dropout, and batch normalization. While
you can select any architecture you want, recall that one popular, proven approach is to alternate between convolutional layers and pooling layers followed
by fully connected layers until the output layer.
• For each trained model, compute how long it takes to train it and produce a
plot that shows the learning curves on both the training and validation splits
with respect to the accuracy metric (i.e., each plot should show two curves
indicating the computed accuracy with respect to the number of epochs used
during training).
• Train a new model on all of the training and validation data using the topperforming model from all models tested on the validation set. Then, report
the resulting model’s performance on the test set using the accuracy metric.
(b) Report your methods, results, and analysis (Write-up)
• Describe the methods you used for your experiment such that the reader could
reproduce your experiments. This should include a discussion of the dataset
(e.g., source? number of examples?), what parameters were used to train all
the models, and what type of hardware was used during training. For full
credit, ensure that your write-up is written formally such that it could be
included in a research report/publication.
• Report how long each model took to train and show the plots that visualize
the learning curves for every tested model.
• Indicate which model configuration led to the top-performing model on the
validation set and report the performance of the final model that was tested
on the evaluation split.
• Discuss what general trends emerge from your results. Some suggestions for
topics to discuss are listed here. What is observed when comparing the use
of regularization techniques to not using any regularization during training?
Did a certain number of convolutional layers or regularization techniques lead
to consistently better results? What, if any, insights are gained by looking
at the learning curves (e.g., overfitting vs underfitting)? What do you see
as the trade-offs between training time and different choices for the number
of convolutional layers and regularization techniques? How does the performance compare for the top-performing model configuration when tested on
the validation set and test set? For full credit, offer insights/speculations
into why your results may be turning out the way they are. Your discussion
should consist of 2-4 paragraphs.
2. Impact of Training Data Amount [10 points]:
(a) Design and conduct your experiment (Code)
• Use the same dataset with splits from the previous problem.
• You should train at least six models in this experiment by using all combinations of at least two different regularization techniques covered in the course
with the following amounts of training data: train with 50%, 75%, and 100%
of the training data respectively. As done for the previous problem, select
and set all other hyperparameters to be identical when training each model.
• For each trained model, compute how long it takes to train it and produce a
plot that shows the learning curves on both the training and validation splits
with respect to the accuracy metric.
(b) Report your methods, results, and analysis (Write-up)
• Describe the methods you used for your experiment such that the reader could
reproduce your experiments. For full credit, ensure that your write-up is written formally such that it could be included in a research report/publication.
• Report how long each model took to train and show the plots that visualize
the learning curves for all tested models.
• Discuss what general trends emerge from your results. Some suggestions for
topics to discuss are listed here. How is the performance of each regularization approach affected by the amount of training data available? What, if
any, insights are gained by looking at the learning curves (e.g., overfitting vs
underfitting)? What do you see as the trade-offs between training time and
performance when using different amounts of training data? For full credit,
offer insights/speculations into why your results may be turning out the way
they are. Your discussion should consist of 2-4 paragraphs.
How to Submit Lab Assignment 2: Please submit a pdf named with your first and last
name; i.e., firstname lastname.pdf. A successful submission will consist of two contributions.
First, it should include the source code of your implementation as the first part of the
PDF file (i.e., portions indicated by “Code”).1 Second, it should include a report with all
results and analysis (i.e., portions indicated by “Write-up”) as the second part of the
PDF file. All material that you submit must be your own.
1We require submitting the code as a PDF to avoid many issues that we have observed in the past with
being able to access submitted code. These issues have arisen, in part, because we make no programming
language requirements. Issues also have arisen from students not providing read permissions for links to
their files; e.g., for Google Colab.